The average house price on DAWSON AVENUE is £351,348
The most expensive house in the street is 3 DAWSON AVENUE with an estimated value of £392,375
The cheapest house in the street is 5 DAWSON AVENUE with an estimated value of £279,453
The house which was most recently sold was 17 DAWSON AVENUE, this sold on 29 Jun 2023 for £330,000
The postcode for DAWSON AVENUE is BB12 7JF
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 DAWSON AVENUE Detached £389,494 £227,000 26 Feb 2010
3 DAWSON AVENUE Detached £392,375 £197,000 18 Jun 2004
5 DAWSON AVENUE Detached £279,453 £223,000 15 Jun 2018
11 DAWSON AVENUE Detached £365,536 £190,000 7 Sep 2004
13 DAWSON AVENUE Detached £344,485 £277,500 15 Nov 2018
17 DAWSON AVENUE Detached £336,748 £330,000 29 Jun 2023